Business Services

The Community First team provides you with not only insurance but also business services which is unusual in our field. Normally having both business services and insurance at the same agency only is available at a much larger agency. Community First proudly provides these services under the same roof for small to medium businesses and nonprofit organizations. With years of experience in business services, we can answer all of your questions, help with payroll, assist with financial planning, and even provide human resources.

Community First provides business services including:

General Accounting
Tax Preparation
501(c)3 Formation
Nonprofit Financial Review
Human Resources

If you’ve got a startup nonprofit or are a ten year veteran, and are overwhelmed with paperwork, payroll, and accounting problems, please contact us. Our focus is not on getting the cheapest coverage but instead getting what matters. We’re here to make your life easier.

Looking for Support in Growing Your Non-Profit?